Class Act: Michael Bernard Beckwith
I recently had the good fortune to hear Rev. Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith speak. Beckwith is the founder of the Agape International Spiritual Center in Los Angeles, and I have been inspired by his profound words since I was first introduced to him by his appearance in the movie The Secret.
Rev. Beckwith and his wife, Rickie Byars Beckwith (who blesses everyone with her music), came to the Atlanta area to kick off the Launch Your Vision conference at Unity Atlanta church April 24 & 25, 2015. A packed house welcomed him Friday evening, eager to hear what he had to say to help every soul in the building be encouraged to launch their own personal vision.
The message Rev. Beckwith shared was one of inspiring us all to move forward in confidence as we create our reality, knowing that we are unique expressions of the universe and no one else can do our work. By asking empowering questions (instead of “God, why me?? try asking “teach me the nature of prosperity or wellness”) we can become who we need to be in order realize our vision. To have something permanently in our lives, we need to BE it on a vibrational level and own it in our consciousness. Otherwise anything we create will slip through our fingers.
It was an electric experience listening to Rev. Beckwith and feeling the energy of the crowd around me. In a ka-pow moment (forget a-ha, I was looking around to see who shoved this crazy idea in my head), I received an extraordinarily large idea about my own vision which I will be marinating on for a while. I also came away with an appreciation for the moment in history we blessed to be creating and four pages of notes.
I picked up Rev. Beckwith’s book, Spiritual Liberation, and stood in the long line to get it signed. It was exciting to know that I was getting step by step closer to meeting him and when I finally got up there my mind went just about blank. I told him that the timing of this event was perfect as I was about to launch my own vision. He asked me what it was. Maybe I didn’t expect him to ask or care. Maybe I was just nervous. Here’s how it went in my head:
Beckwith: What is Everyday First Class?
Me: Everyday First Class is a personal development company devoted to making your life truly exceptional on the inside and the outside. Our image of the First Class person is one who both commands respect and offers compassion, who does not just survive but thrives on any income level or living situation, and is dedicated to continual improvement of both their highest inner self and the quality of the people and things they choose to surround themselves with.
Beckwith: That sounds amazing! I’d love to help you promote your business. Can I have your business card?
Unfortunately I think it went more like this:
Beckwith: What is Everyday First Class?
Me: Errergibst errr…personal development…glarph nobum…inside and outside…. [proceed to give him a paper cut with my business card].
The reality of the exchange is probably somewhere in between. But two things I know for certain: Michael Bernard Beckwith is the very first person I ever gave an EFC business card to and he received my gibberish and my card with all the grace, ease and acceptance that I hoped he would. He is an engaging blend of gentleness and power and exudes just as much peace in person as he does in the talking head movies I love to watch.
It’s easy for me to give Rev. Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith the title of Class Act!
So, like you and I know he was impressed !! \o/\o/
If he looked at the amazing work Compass Websites did on my site he would definitely be impressed!
I met Dave Ramsey (Founder of Financial Peace University) at an event here in OKC once. I also picked up a book and stood in the long line to get it autographed. When I got there, I showed him my angrily destroyed credit card from days gone by. It was cut into itty bitty shavings by scissors. I kept only the bank logo intact, to remind myself to never go into debt like that again. My little jewelry baggie of what looked like little sheet metal twisty dust from my dad’s shop made Dave laugh out loud! He said I was on the right track, and had obviously gotten very angry at the debt. I would have given it to him if he had asked. But he didn’t.
So when are you writing a book? You can have people assault you with gibberish and fun stories of changing their lives!
The book is in process! I can’t wait to have people approach me with gibberish, and the first time someone tells me I changed their life I will probably start crying and be the one providing the gibberish!
I once returned a credit card to Providian cut into about 378 tiny pieces. That company had a horrid business model. I don’t like to wish ill on anyone, but I wouldn’t be sad to hear that they were out of business.
Sounds like an amazing experience. Can’t wait to watch your grand vision unfold!