One of the most enjoyable things about developing a first class lifestyle is exploring the world of quality food. I’ll be delving more into this topic in future posts, but today I want to focus [...]
People are wont to get quite political on Facebook, and I recently saw this meme: While I don’t particularly care for the political rhetoric being promoted here, it really got me thinking about [...]
Much of what holds us back in life is, well, us. Bad habits, persistent negative thoughts, false beliefs about ourselves or about life that were formed when we were very young, low self-esteem, [...]
Part of the first class lifestyle is being able to recognize quality. I had the opportunity to hone my qualitarian skills this past weekend by attending a coffee “cupping” facilitated by an [...]
When I was a teenager Magic Eye posters were all the rage. I received a couple of them as gifts and was amazed at how we would stare, stare, stare at a jumbled mess and suddenly the image would [...]
Network marketing companies (also known as Multi-Level Marking or MLM) have been around since the 1930’s. While probably the most famous one is Amway, there are now currently hundreds of [...]
Do you ever avoid the news because it’s nothing but one depressing story after another? Don’t want to start your day with war, murder and corruption? You’re not alone. More and more people are [...]