Be “Happy Now” for FREE!

 In EFC Books, Inner First Class

I am proud to announce the launch of my latest book, Happy NOW! 53 Ways to Be Happier Today! As a special promotion for this release you can download the e-book version FOR FREE Sunday and Monday October 1st and 2nd! The best things in life are free, right?!


Am I happy? This may be the most important question we ever ask ourselves. People seek desperately for happiness, trying everything from an excess of pleasure to extremes of self-denial attempting to achieve this elusive internal quality known as happiness. Most of us fall somewhere in between those two polar opposites and attain some level of happiness in our lives. But just like everything else, in a way that is so very human, no matter how happy we are, we want more of it.

There are big things we can do to improve our happiness. We can marry the right person for us and we can pursue a career in a field that is perfectly aligned with our strengths and our bliss. But what if we already have those things? What if we don’t know what those things are for us and we are still searching? What if we do know what they are and we are building toward them? Are we stuck? Or is there a way to become happier right now?

Happy NOW! offers simple day-to-day actions you can take to be happier on a daily basis. Not everyone can waive a magic wand and produce the big happiness factors in their lives, but we all can do small things each and every day to take the happiness we’ve already got and elevate it to the next level.

I hope that you are as blessed by reading this book as I was by writing it.  Please download, read, share and leave a review! I am profoundly thankful for your support!

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